Early Identifiers of Frailty in Seniors


The loss of strength, reduction of speed, and lower energy are visible signs of becoming frail that we often associate with aging. According to the Johns Hopkins research, around 7 to 12 percent of Americans older than 65 years are considered frail.

Being frail raises an alarm because it increases the risk of infections. A senior loved one may acquire illnesses that would need hospital treatment or home health care. This can also lead to falls, injuries, and disabilities, which decreases the chance of getting much-desired independence.

Serving as your home health aide in Miami Gardens, Florida, we have seen and witnessed many stories of our patients. By identifying frailty as early as possible, the patient and the family can prepare their next best course of action.

Here are the early identifiers to be considered frail.

  • Losing weight. Unintentional weight loss of 10 or more pounds from the last year means shrinking body mass, which impacts the person’s physical performance.
  • Feeling weak. Difficulty staying in a standing position without assistance can be a sign of weakened bones and muscles.
  • Feeling exhausted. Even small tasks seem like they require more effort.
  • Low activity level. Decrease in any physical activities because of low energy or lack of motivation.
  • Slow walking pace. If a 15-step distance takes more than six or seven seconds, the pace is considered slow.

Many changes could happen in our lives. With a home health agency in Florida just like Nationwide Healthcare Services, Inc., you have fewer things to worry about.

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