Making Your Home Allergy-Proof

Make Your Home Allergy-Proof

Allergies may not be painful, but they can be irritating. Some allergies are caused by uncontrollable factors such as the weather, the season, and the flowers, among others. However, there is something that you can do to lessen the allergens in your home. Our home health aide in Miami Gardens, Florida compiled these tips for you.

  • Invest in dust-mite proof covers for your beddings, pillowcases, and mattresses.
    Even then, you’ll have to wash it at least once a week in hot water. Do not use feathers or wool materials.
  • Avoid carpet flooring.
    We recommend linoleum or hardwood flooring. However, if this is not possible, avoid high-pile carpeting and use low-pile instead. Vacuum your carpet at least once a week with a cleaner that has a HEPA filter. Shampoo it every now and then.
  • Use curtains that are washable and are made of synthetic fiber or plain cotton.
    If you are using blinds, avoid the horizontal ones, and choose the roller-type ones that are washable.
  • During pollen season, do not open your windows; use air conditioning instead.
    Clean condensation and molds from your window sills and frames. If you are living in a cold climate, use double-paned windows.
  • Remove things that collect dust, such as books and tabletop figurines.
    Store them inside plastic bins, including your kids’ toys and stuffed animals.

Nationwide Healthcare Services, Inc. is a home health agency in Florida. We are committed to helping seniors live their best life. Our skilled nurses and caregivers have undergone rigorous training to provide you with high-quality services.

Contact us today for your home health care needs!

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