Towards the Prevention of Hypertension

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is far too common among the aging population. What’s particularly concerning about this is that it often results in many major health consequences. As such, it’s imperative to employ strategies to prevent it.

Need help in doing so? We have you covered! Here at Nationwide Healthcare Services, Inc., we aim to go beyond providing the most trusted nursing services in Miami Gardens, Florida. We also see to it that we convey pertinent information that would enable the community to optimize their health and wellness.

As a leading home health care provider, here’s what we recommend to ward off the possibility of developing hypertension:

  • Consume Less Salt

    Experts say even modest reductions in salt intake can improve your heart health and lower your risks of developing high blood pressure. To do so, seek low salt or low sodium versions of the meals and beverages you regularly buy and eat fewer processed foods.

  • Increase Your Consumption of Potassium

    Potassium helps regulate heart rate and can reduce tension in your blood vessel walls—both of which help to control your blood pressure. If you need help with meal planning, you can access the help of professionals from our home health agency in Florida.

  • Make an Effort to Exercise Regularly

    Exercise helps prevent high blood pressure from becoming hypertension. Walking, running, cycling, swimming, and dancing are examples of aerobic exercises that can help decrease blood pressure.

If you need experts in senior care, we are the ones to call!

Apart from this, you may also get your hands on skilled, certified nursing assistants with our help. Let’s get in touch!

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