When Exactly Should I Seek Physical Therapy?

Many might be unaware, but physical therapy can benefit many conditions and injuries. It can play a significant role in prevention and rehabilitation strategies; hence, we find it imperative here at Nationwide Healthcare Services, Inc., a trusted home health care in Miami Gardens, Florida.

Hoping to improve your awareness of its importance, allow us to share with you a few telltale signs that it’s time to seek the help of a physical therapist. These are as follows:

  • Experiencing Persistent Pain:

    Suppose you’re experiencing ongoing pain that affects your daily activities and doesn’t improve with rest or over-the-counter pain medications. In that case, physical therapy can be instrumental in identifying the source of the pain and providing targeted treatment.

  • Having Limited Range of Motion:

    Difficulty moving a joint or limb entirely, such as being unable to raise your arm above your shoulder or bend your knee, may indicate the need for physical therapy services to improve your range of motion.

  • Dealing with Chronic Conditions:

    Physical therapy is highly effective in helping people with chronic conditions, including arthritis, fibromyalgia, and multiple sclerosis. It can aid in managing symptoms, increasing function, and raising one’s overall quality of life.

Do you have further questions you would like to run by us, such as how to obtain a home health aide in Florida or cope with a chronic health condition? Please feel free to reach out to us anytime.

Access a home health agency in Florida that is second to none with us!

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